How To Get Rid of Imposter Syndrome Forever

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Was asked a question this morning…

“How do I get rid of imposter syndrome?”

A: By winning.

Racking up wins (no matter how little) builds confidence.

“How does the person win and overcome this fear?”

A: By doing.

Here’s the deal…

Nobody is good at anything. Because nobody gets good at anything.

We only become less bad with each attempt.

We never get to a destination called “good”. We only keep getting less bad daily.

We only keep falling forward.

Everybody is their worst during the first 20 hours of any activity.

The problem is, most people don’t want to fail for 20 hours. So they never get started.

“Perfection is a myth. People who hunger for it die hungry”

– Christie Craig

No one is perfect. But there are average people. And there are geniuses.

And the difference between a genius and an average person is that the genius has failed more times.

So Fail more. Fail faster. Fail forward.


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